Man on trapeze
Between the Trapezes Cutting edge career management and job search
February 2012


Welcome to Between the Trapezes, showing you how you can make your way from one career certainty to the next!

- Joanne Meehl, aka The Job Search Queen

What's here:
  • Five truths about job search
  • "Hooray, I was laid off!"
  • The Ignite Your Job Search store is open!

  • Five truths about job search
    Man thinking blue shirt

    Something I've observed over the years about job search is that there are certain truths, whether we like them or not. Here are a few.

    1. About 85% of the time when there's a problem in a candidate's job search, it's candidates themselves who hinder their own job searches. You must get out of your own way. Must.

    How do they "mess" things up? ...

    "Hooray, I was laid off!"
    Joyful woman

    Valentine's Day always reminds me of when I was laid off in 2003, because it was my last day on the job (pink slip and chocolates, anyone?!). Our software company had been bought by another one, and they shut down our division. Of course, at first I was not happy. But within 60 days, I was glad it had worked out that way because it led to my starting my business.

    There are positives about being let go from a job, positives that you may not see at first.

    One example: A client I'll call Lisa was laid off in December. She was joyous! Her job situation had become so toxic that she felt ill when she drove into the company parking lot. She felt sicker when she entered the building, and by the time she got to her cube, she was forcing herself to NOT look and feel miserable. Think of the energy that took!

    Now Lisa would be free of that. And, as she said then, "After I have a celebratory dinner out, I'll work at finding what I really want to do." For the first time in her life, she can really figure out a new direction and market herself properly so that she gets it.

    Whether you, too, have a job you'd love to leave, or are between jobs, take the time to make sound decisions about your future -- you deserve it!

    The Ignite Your Job Search store is open!
    QR Code to Store - smaller

    Now, for the first time ever, Joanne Meehl is making available materials that will give you some coaching, right off the page! The Ignite Your Job Search Store is open! Click the link below. Want to know how to create a target list of employers? There's now a guide for that. Are you a college senior looking for a road map to a great job when you graduate? There's a guide for that, too. All at minimal prices, with a secure connection when you use a credit card to purchase.

    You can even get live coaching time with Joanne here (at introductory rates that will more than pay you back when you use what you learn!).

    Use your smartphone to get to the Ignite store, or when getting other downloads from the site, or to see Joanne's blog: just snap the QR code above with your smart phone to get right there.


    Joanne Meehl

    The history of the world is full of people who rose to leadership by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery, and tenacity.

    -- Mahatma Gandhi


    Congratulations to clients and Face2Face members who have landed great new jobs, including: Carol, Tom, Tim, Marla, Denise, Christine and Kim.


    One Meeting That Can Redirect Your Career!
    A Career Consult with the Queen is a 1-to-2-hour session with Joanne Meehl that helps the candidate get unstuck, unstalled, or unconfused -- or all three. You get feedback, possibilities, ideas, and a plan of action, as well as useful materials. It zeroes in on what's working in your search and on what needs fixing. In-person or via Skype, it's $175 and applicable to additional services if you want to do more work with Joanne. For more info, just contact Joanne at


    Want more?

    HR Attorney Mike Bourgon, Feb 16, speaks at Face2Face Job Search Networking for Professionals

    5 Years of Between the Trapezes, free here

    Resume DON'Ts: Don't do white-on-white or other tricks that will backfire

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