October 2014
Welcome to Driving Your Career Starts NOW/The Newsletter, showing you how you can manage your career!
Be in charge of your career. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Your career funds your life, so there's no parking allowed: drive it now!
- Joanne Meehl, aka The Job Search Queen - Celebrating 11+ years as your job search coach
There are really only 5 different interview questions
Know the answers to these and you will be prepared for ANY interview question. When you're asked an interview question, translate it to one of these, the answer to which you've already prepared for.
And here they are:
- Who are you? (As in, "Tell us about yourself." They want to know who you are, the whole person. Your answer should come from the Summary at the top of your resume.)
- CAN you do the job? ("Tell us about a time when you...")
- Do you WANT to do the job? ("What do you love about your work?")
- How much are you going to cost us? (salary, benefits, handholding, smoking breaks 7 times a day, etc.)
- Is there anything wrong with you? (Why did you leave your last job?
Naturally, I get that people want more specifics: "If only I could know exactly what questions they'll ask during my interview at ABC Company, I would feel a lot better". (You won't, really -- I believe that when you try to memorize answers to questions and then the questions don't come as expected, it makes you more nervous.)
But I'll cave to pressure and tell you your wish has come true: Glassdoor.com has interview questions from such companies as Google, Apple, and hundreds of others. The information in this huge database comes from candidates who've interviewed there and are reporting back on the questions asked. Find them here.
Still waiting for the wave? Don't!

Job numbers are the best they've been in 6 years. For those actively in search, people around them are landing, and they see more jobs posted. Finally, the tidal wave of openings is coming back!
Or is it?
All indications are that just as 2008 changed the economy for the last 6 years, it will have changed it *permanently*.
And that means that job seekers will not see any "big wave" of openings like there used to be. Yes, there are rare exceptions in certain locations and certain markets.
But generally speaking, there will be no big rising tide that will lift all job search boats automatically.
Think about why: Today, companies are much more savvy about finding candidates in other ways, mostly by depending on current employees to find them. They are also attracting future employees through social media. They're finding great people on LinkedIn. Their own screening systems are getting more and more sophisticated.
So those who are looking must network, and must be visible online: It's how people are landing jobs. If candidates continue to wait instead at their computer for the mythical wave of openings, they'll likely miss getting a job anytime soon. I've seen executives make this mistake as much as individual contributors.
So take control. Don't wait for waves that aren't coming.
Thank you for your concern, thoughts, energy, prayers... for caring, when I recently had surgery

My thanks go out to so many who were in touch when I was out of commission starting in late August, for spine surgery, especially my wonderful clients. After a year of trying just about everything else that either didn't work or didn't last, I did the surgery. And afterward, two weeks in physical rehab. And it worked -- I'm sure your caring made a huge difference! I'm easing my way back into the office and phone/Skype, with October being the month I can resume most of my schedule. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Face2Face on Thursday (those of you in the Twin Cities), and to getting your updates.
My gratitude runs deep and wide.
Don't let yesterday make a hostage out of today.
Rev. Pat Williamson
Next Face2Face Mpls meeting is Oct 2nd!
The next meeting is this Thurs Oct 2nd: *Why Should I Hire YOU?* Featuring KimAileen White - All info is at www.face2.net
Career Tip from Joanne:
Find a way to pay someone a compliment. Whether it's ON
your job, IN your job search, with colleagues, with clients and customers -- don't hesitate to compliment at least one person a day for something they do that is kind or smart or thoughtful.
Let them know you appreciate them!
It will feel great to both of you.
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The Job Search Queen and The Resume Queen are trademarks held by Joanne Meehl