March 2016
Welcome to the March Driving Your Career Starts NOW/The Newsletter, showing you how you can direct your job search, manage your career, and even start out as a consultant.
In many parts of the country, spring is breaking. Snow is melting and nature is renewing itself. Does your career need renewing? Then keep reading. Time to figure out what your next step is.
- Joanne Meehl, aka The Job Search Queen -
Now celebrating
13 years
guiding job searches
and advising professionals on career strategy!
You interviewed but then you see the job posted again...ouch
Posted on LinkedIn a year ago, this article is worth revisiting given that so many interviews are taking place in this stronger economy.
It's not always you but when it is, you can change your approach.
It's a heartbreaker when a job candidate tells me they've had an interview, have heard "no thanks" (or nothing), and then see the very same job reposted. What happened, especially when they believed they were "perfect for the job"?
A former client of mine I'll call Susan recounted to me why several candidates at her place of work were interviewed but then none were hired. She gives valuable insights into why the job was reposted, here.
How Your Original LinkedIn Content Gets You Noticed
Professionals in job search -- or who want to start a consulting business -- often think that doing their LinkedIn profile is all they need to do. I consider that just getting started!
Commenting on others' posts in your news feed or your groups is one way to engage with others on LinkedIn.
But it's original content that shows what you really have to offer. A client I'll call Ryan who was starting his own manufacturing consulting firm, sketched out about 20 short (2-3 paragraph) articles when I suggested his ideas could be useful to company leaders. After about his 5th article, a target company he was after with a very similar problem he described in the article -- and fixed -- contacted him to ask him to come in to discuss how he could help them. Ryan was now a believer in producing original content -- because it worked! And it can work for you.
You're not a writer, you say? Neither was Ryan, an engineer for most of his career. A tip: Jot down your main ideas in a sentence or two, or even some phrases. Then relate the idea to the reader's possible problem, and give a bit on how they might solve the problem. Don't give the entire solution away -- after all, that is why they should contact you directly. But do give information that begins to be helpful.
And you'll be seen as a resource they can't do without.
Don't quite know how to say what YOU need to say in your search? Contact Joanne
Celebrate with us: 10 years of Face2Face!
Face2Face Job Search Networking for Professionals is Joanne's community service, helping those between jobs. Over the years the meetings have changed and adjusted to the times. But we always focus on the HOW of networking. If you're a professional between jobs in the Minneapolis area, see the notice in the right column of this page for info about our upcoming meeting.
Our gift to you as we celebrate 10 years of smart networking at Face2Face is a FREE download, Don't Let Your Contacts Forget You. Get it here.
A quick to-do: Update your email profile - thanks!
We're asking readers to take a moment to check and see if your email profile is up to date. We've added some new choices that you might prefer, so take a look!
And this helps us send YOU the best content for your career and your job search.
 Just SCROLL DOWN to the line near the bottom of this newsletter that says *Update Profile/Email Address*, and click, then follow the prompts. Thanks so much!
In the long run,
a short cut seldom is.
- Malcolm Forbes
Face2Face Job Search Networking for Professionals is now TEN years old!
Born as the Route 2 Job Search Network in 2003, it became Face2Face in 2006.
We meet again on March 3rd for networking and
The Role of Faith in Your Job Search.
Minnetonka, MN - How can religious faith (or non-religious faith) make a difference -- or not -- in your job search? A panel of clergy will address this in what promises to be a stimulating discussion.Your participation will be very welcome.
Face2Face now meets every other month.
Eager to strike out on your own?
Are you a knowledge expert in your field, and burning to be on your own, free of the confines of corporate life? But you aren't sure how to do it, how to gain clients, how to market yourself? This is a new service I'm offering. Contact Joanne for more.
The Blog:
People say
they pick up tips when they read the blog.
I give a ton of info in each blog so