April 2017

Welcome to the April newsletter showing you how you can direct your job search, manage your career, and even start out as a consultant. With content you can use now.

It's spring! The theme is renewal, fresh starts, new beginnings. Gardeners in particular are putting into play the plans they've prepared all winter. Are you prepared for what's next for you, in your career? 

Sometimes new starts are not of your choosing. It's always painful when I talk to job hunters who sensed the signs of possible layoffs (or the ending of a juicy contract with a client) but didn't act. Didn't prepare for what could be next. So now they are scrambling, something they could have avoided. Avoid this pain by taking a look at our lead article this month, below. And check out the new links in this issue, too.

 You are worth doing the work you love!

         - Joanne Meehl, aka The Job Search Queen -
Now celebrating 
now 14 years
guiding job searches
and advising professionals on career strategy! 

Leaders: Are people skipping your LinkedIn Summary? 

LinkedIn logo
I do a lot of networking meetings with managers, leaders, and others in job search. Before each meeting I review the person's LinkedIn profile so I can quickly learn more about them to see how I can help. 
So it's frustrating to read the first two lines of what someone has written about themselves, which is the beginning of their Summary, to find ho-hum wording like:
Executive in transition with 30 years experience in manufacturing seeking challenging COO or CEO role where I can contribute blah blah blah. 

No one is moved to click on this to read your Summary further because it doesn't tell us what you DO for an organization. Instead it tells us what you want and what you might know or aspire to. So readers are skipping by the first two lines and your entire Summary to see if there's more meaningful material further down your profile. 

Or worse, they're going to someone else's profile. 

Instead, try something like this: 
Manufacturing Leader known for repeatedly turning around company Operations and revenues, and for propelling team members further in their careers...

So focus on what you do and readers will click on your whole Summary, not skip over it. 

Be like a Boy Scout -- be ready for the unexpected (layoff)
Nothing is permanent, especially your job. Waves of layoffs occur even in the best economy. So as the Boy Scouts say, "Be prepared".
There are some clues when a layoff is coming: You're no longer being invited to the meetings you always were part of. Executive office doors are closed and blinds are shut while long meetings take place. Company finances aren't great, and everyone looks worried. There have been cutbacks in spending. People aren't talking over their cube walls like before, and instead are using conference rooms. Others are having "lunch" in their cars or down the block at the coffee shop so they can talk to possible other employers or network contacts or recruiters. New projects are on hold, including a few that you were slated to lead.
All of these are red flags that there will likely be cuts, and you may be one of them.
Are you prepared? Most people are not, hoping they are misreading the cues OR they're just not seeing them at all.
Here are things to do if you suspect you or someone you care about may be let go soon. [continue reading here]
Want a new LinkedIn profile that employers want to find? Contact Joanne

Joanne named to Forbes.com Coaches Council

Joanne Meehl of Joanne Meehl Career Services has been accepted into the Forbes Coaches Council, an invitation-only community for leading business and career coaches.
Joanne joins other Forbes Coaches Council members, who are hand-selected, to become part of a curated network of successful peers and get access to a variety of exclusive benefits and resources, including the opportunity to submit thought leadership articles and short tips on industry-related topics for publishing on Forbes.com....
[continue reading
Want to refocus your job search? Contact Joanne

Fall seven times, 
stand up eight

- Japanese proverb

"Your career is the treasury of your life" 
         - Joanne Meehl

New Links:  
On LinkedIn: 
3 Things You Should Do When You Land Your New Job

Know a new grad who needs to learn about job search?

An expert, and want to be on your own? 
Are you a knowledge expert in your field, and burning to be on your own, free of the confines of corporate life? But you aren't sure how to do it, how to gain clients, how to market yourself? 
Contact Joanne for more. 

The Job Search Queen and The Resume Queen are trademarks held by Joanne Meehl