Q & A: Client questions about job search today - Do you have the same questions?
LinkedIn searches:
Q. "How do I find people in other companies who have the same title as me? I want to see who hires people like me."
A: In the LinkedIn "search" box, put in your keywords, such as Marketing Operations, click return, and you will see a string of "buttons" appear. Choose "People", and LinkedIn will find people in Marketing Operations jobs. From there, you can then narrow the list by Company, Location, and more. LinkedIn now incorporates AI so you have additional power when doing these searches. And a reminder: premium members see more when doing searches, and get shown more to searchers.
Resume formats:
Q. "Just to shake things up, I'm tempted to use the 'functional' resume format I hear about. your thoughts?"
A. No no no no no! I recently wrote about this on LinkedIn. it is difficult for the reader to see how you've added skills and grown in your career using this format because they don't see the chronology. So they find it annoying and skip yours so they can read others. Instead, focus on successes AND "your story" -- how, role by role, you came to be the asset to a company, that you are!
Q. "I feel grubby asking people for help but I see how many people land jobs through networking..."
A. Most people today have had help themselves, in their job searches, through networking. So most people are savvy when it comes to helping others. BUT: be focused. Meaning, have a SHORT "commercial", have 3 success stories to tell in the format of "This is what I love to do, what companies need that?", ask questions about THEIR story and successes, then after the thank-you note, keep them in your contact database and keep them posted on your progress. I can predict with confidence that one day, they will ask YOU for help!
Q. "How do I use AI to find keywords I should be using in my job search?"
A. Using an AI tool like ChatGPT, copy into the chat box the content of your resume that follows your name and contact info (do not include identifying info in your search). Then ask the tool to tell you "What keywords for [job title] is my resume missing?"
But don't get hung up on keywords: instead, network, attend industry meetings, post your insights about the field to LinkedIn, join LinkedIn AND Facebook groups focused on your career area. Keep the big picture in mind.
Most popular tip from last month: Do I use Easy Apply on LinkedIn? "Easy Apply" is a tempting route for you to apply for a job. Because so many use it, applications can come in too much, too fast to the person recruiting for the job, so they CAN turn it off. Better, and recommended instead: apply directly to the company website. Best option, however: get to know peers at the company who can nominate you for an opening. "Get known so you can get nominated!"©